• Research area: Food Technology, Modeling, Enzymology, Beverages, Process Engineering, Biotechnology.
  • Short biography: DESOBGO ZANGUE Steve Carly started his master course in 2003 and has occupied a Research Assistant position at the department of Process Engineering in the National School of Agro‐Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of The University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon up to 2004. He worked at the University Institute of Technology of The University (IUT) of Ngaoundere since 2008 as Assistant Lecturer. After his Ph.D in Process Engineering in 2012 , he became a Senior Lecturer in the same school. He completed two years (2013-2014 and 2015-2016) Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein Campus, South Africa. In 2019, he became Associate Professor. He has 26 papers on food technology and other engineering process. He also participated on publication of books where he contributed to 3 books chapters. He has participated to his school program renewal. He lectures malting and brewing sciences, fruits and vegetables technologies, wine and spirit technology etc… He currently has 7 master students and 1 Ph.D whom have completed their studies in the National School of Agro‐Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the University of Ngaoundere with several others in progress.