• Research Areas: Livestock production (Nutrition and Animal Feeding, ruminants production, fodder production, potential of using essential oils in ruminants productivity).
  • Short biography: Hippolyte MEKUIKO WATSOP holds a PhD/PhD in Nutrition and Animal Feeding, defended in 2018 with honors at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. His Ph.D. research work focused on effect of essential oils of Zingiber officinale and Callistemon viminalis on the digestibility of Pennisetum clandestinum hay in small ruminants. Dr. Mekuiko is very interested by activities of breeding and its permanent contact with the breeders allows him on the one hand, to be informed of their problems which are at the base of its activities of research and on the other hand, to test in real situation the results of its work. Dr. MEKUIKO is currently Assistant lecturer at the School of Veterinary medicine and Science (ESMV) of the University of Ngaoundéré where he teaches theoretical and practical courses of Nutrition and Animal Feeding, Notions of Agronomy and fodder production, practical of breeding, Bromatology. Dr. MEKUIKO has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 9 papers in national and international conferences.