• Research areas: Mechanics, Materials and Acoustics.
  • Short biography: Prof. NTAMACK Guy Edgar is a Professor in the Physics Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Head of the Academic Affairs, Research and Cooperation Division at the School of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Industries at the University of Ngaoundere in Cameroon. He carries out his research work in the fields of mechanics and materials. He has already contributed to the supervision of several masters and doctorates, as well as to the production of several scientific articles. He has already made several research stays in France, Germany and Morocco. In addition, he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Moroccan Congress of Mechanical Sciences. He is the focal point of the scientific cooperation agreement between the University Hassan II-Casablanca and the University of Ngaoundere. He is responsible for the research group called: “Group of Mechanics, Materials and Acoustics” at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Ngaoundere in Cameroon.