Domaines de recherche : Analyse des données et méthodologie de la recherche, Fichiers et bases de données, Gestion des systèmes d'information (méthode Ebios), Entrepreneuriat et gestion des projets numériques.
Courte biographie : Cyrille Schouamé is an Engineer in Computer Maintenance and Software Engineering. His research work focused on the modeling of a mini relational database engine. He also worked at the permanent secretariat of higher education and scientific research and innovation on the theme: How to standardize enrollment in public universities in Cameroon. Engineer Cyrille Schouamé is a consultant in business strategy and digital projects for various SMEs, Cooperatives, Associations, in particular the Denis & Lenora Foundation (Small Business Entrepreneurship Center), Afrika Development Solutions. Currently, Mr. Schouamé is Head of the Corporate Culture Dissemination Service at the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA) of the Republic of Cameroon.