Upstream Transformation Two-dimensional second order well-balanced roes method for a morphodynamic problem novembre 1, 2021novembre 1, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Two-dimensional second order well-balanced roes method for a morphodynamic problem Télécharger maintenant 14_LOREXP_2021_A3002_NGATCHA
Upstream Transformation Mango production, a major stake for the development of the sector in the urban district of Ngaoundere 3rd novembre 1, 2021novembre 1, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Mango production, a major stake for the development of the sector in the urban district of Ngaoundere 3rd Télécharger maintenant 13_LOREXP_2021_A1216_OUMAROU
Upstream Transformation Ginger cultivation and production systems in the Department of Vina: the case of Vina-Ouest (Adamaoua region). novembre 1, 2021novembre 1, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Ginger cultivation and production systems in the Department of Vina: the case of Vina-Ouest (Adamaoua region). Télécharger maintenant 12_LOREXP_2021_A1160_HOSSOKWA
Upstream Transformation Prospective study on the parametric estimation of the spatial diffusion of a phenomenon: case study of cocoa black pod rot disease novembre 1, 2021novembre 1, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Prospective study on the parametric estimation of the spatial diffusion of a phenomenon: case study of cocoa black pod rot disease Télécharger maintenant 11_LOREXP_2021_A1212_FOTSA
Upstream Transformation Red beetroot agricultural sector in Cameroon: State survey and physicochemical analyses of the “Dark red” variety novembre 1, 2021novembre 1, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Red beetroot agricultural sector in Cameroon: State survey and physicochemical analyses of the “Dark red” variety Télécharger maintenant 10_LOREXP_2021_A1218_NGA