Research areas: Systems Engineering Design, Maintenance (reliability, maintenability, Availability and Safety) and Production Management (modeling and simulation)
Short biography: NZIE Wolfgang holds a Master of Engineering in Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Diesel Locomotives, Master of Sciences in Mechanics, Master of Sciences in Computer Sciences, Automation and Production Management and Doctorate (PhD) in Production Management Sciences Engineering, defended in 2006 with honor at the University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM) and the University of Besançon (France) . His PhD research work dealt with the Integration of Maintenance in Process Design with application of agrifood equipment. NZIE Wolfgang is Associate Professor, Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI), Head of Department in the School of Chemistry Engineering and Mineral Industries (EGCIM) of the University of Ngaoundere. and 6 papers in national and international conferences. Moreover, his research works concern the development of methods and tools of optimization in design, mechanical engineering, maintenance and dependability of production systems. He teaches courses in Engineering design, Mechanical Engineering, Maintenance, Production Management, Safety …He hardly work in partnership with his colleagues of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences for the application of mathematics and computer sciences in Design modeling (Computer Assisted Design(CAD)), Computer Assisted Maintenance Management (CAMM) and Computer Assisted Production Management (CAPM). Pr NZIE has published 26 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and took part in national and international conferences with communications.