Research areas: Physico-chemistry of Mineral Materials.
Short biography: Jacques Richard MACHE is a graduate of the University of Yaoundé 1 and holder a doctorate in Science from the University of Liège (Belgium) and a PhD in physico-chemistry of mineral materials from the University of Yaoundé 1. He is working in the field of materials and is interested by the understanding of the microstructural and thermo-mechanical properties of materials as well as their potential valorization in various fields. Jacques Richard Mache is a teacher at the School of Geology and Mining Engineering (EGEM) of the University of Ngaoundere where he teaches ceramic materials, instrumental methods of analysis, composite and polymer materials. He is currently involved in the valorization of local resources (clay, laterite, lime, biomass…) for the design and promotion of new efficient, accessible and eco-responsible building materials in the Sudano-Sahelian Cameroonian area. He is co-author of twenty research articles.