Equipment Design Estimation of the parameters of a photovoltaic cell by the Harris hawk method associated with differential evolution novembre 14, 2021novembre 14, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Estimation of the parameters of a photovoltaic cell by the Harris hawk method associated with differential evolution Télécharger maintenant 2_LOREXP_2021_A1116_NDI
Equipment Design Fault detection in PV array based on statistical analysis novembre 14, 2021novembre 14, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Fault detection in PV array based on statistical analysis Télécharger maintenant 1_LOREXP_2021_A1090_JUVET
Business Development Structural and cognitive characteristics of the board of directors and sustainability of microfinance institutions in Cameroon novembre 13, 2021novembre 13, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Structural and cognitive characteristics of the board of directors and sustainability of microfinance institutions in Cameroon Télécharger maintenant 3_LOREXP_A1054_NJAYA_PAYEP
Business Development Effects of people capacity building and border technologies on the extractive economy in sub-Saharan Africa novembre 13, 2021novembre 13, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Effects of people capacity building and border technologies on the extractive economy in sub-Saharan Africa Télécharger maintenant 2_LOREXP_2021_A1166_MBA_FOKWA
Business Development Financial profitability of agro-pastoral enterprises: An explanatory analysis from the value chains of local resources novembre 13, 2021novembre 13, 2021 Aucun commentaire sur Financial profitability of agro-pastoral enterprises: An explanatory analysis from the value chains of local resources Télécharger maintenant 1_LOREXP_2021_A1098_BOOK_NYOBE