Research areas: Renewable energies and design of agro-food processing and biomass energy recovery equipment.
Short biography: Emilienne BOGWARBE is a holder of a PhD in Applied Physics and engineering defended in 2018 with very honorable appreciation at the University of Ngaoundere in Cameroon. Her doctorate research is related to the optimization of fruit and vegetables drying in the humid tropical zones by coupling solar and biomass energies. Dr. Emilienne BOGWARBE is very interested by scientific activities of evaluating renewable energy potential, the design of equipment for energetical valorization of agricultural residues, agro-alimentary residues and domestic waste. Dr. Emilienne BOGWARBE is currently Head of Cooperation, Recherche and documentation Department at the National Institute of Vocational Training and Program Development (NIVTPD) of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MINEFOP) where she is in charge of the mission of monitoring sector-based technological development and promoting results of applied research in engineering and pedagogic innovation in the field of vocational training. She is member of the research team DEPT (Development of data processing tools/Energies/Proceedings/ agro-alimentary and chemical transformation) directed by Professor JIOKAP NONO Yvette, team attached to the laboratory of analysis, simulation and test (LASE) of the UIT of the University of Ngaoundéré. Dr. BOGWARBE published two articles in scientific journals at editorial board and two communications in national conferences.